The Ultimate Guide To C# IEqualityComparer Nasıl Kullanılır

The last statement basically means that in case we rely on Equals(..) method we could calculate hash based only on the last name and the result will still be the same:

Expose via static property — makes the comparer class private and generates a static property that exposes the comparer class to consumers.

The same return value system applies birli IComparer. The difference between this and IComparer is IComparable will be implemented on the class that contains your field values, while IComparable derived classes are used for custom sorting. So for example:

Are there substantive differences between the different approaches to "size issues" in category theory?

The first is the idea of precise equality. Given two references to objects, do the two references point to the same location in memory? Programming languages are suited for this kind of comparison, and .Kemiksiz comes with many prebuilt operators to handle this case.

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The issue here is that comparing floating-point numbers for equality might not work bey expected, due to minute rounding errors. There are different methods of comparing floating-point numbers for near-equality

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You have discovered an unfortunate edge case in the generic method type inference algorithm. We have:

This interface, also added in 2.0, allows you to pass custom object equality checking to a Hashtable, Dictionary and NameValueCollection. You pass in your custom comparison implementation much like you do with IComparer and the Hashtable will use this for equality checks.

I C# IEqualityComparer Kullanımı emanet also make an IEqualityComparer for a "parent class" and use on classes that inherit. I yaşama have comparer that will behave in a different way, I gönül make one to compare Value instead of Key.

Protected Internal: Muayene, türetilen sınıflar yahut aynı derlemedeki sınıflar aracılığıyla erişilebilir hale gelir. Bu durumda, denetçiün erişimi bağlıdır ve tek türetilen sınıflar veya aynı derlemedeki gayrı sınıflar aracılığıyla erişilebilir.

(Making matters worse, there is a typo in the spec that says that "choose the more specific" is the right thing to do! This was the result of an editing error during the design C# IEqualityComparer Kullanımı process that saf never been corrected. The compiler implements "choose the more general". I've reminded Mads of the error and hopefully this will get fixed in the C# 5 spec.)

Brad WilsonBrad Wilson 69.5k99 gold badges7575 silver badges8484 bronze badges 2 Ah thanks, I wasnt too C# IEqualityComparer nerelerde kullanılıyor far off. I will add more properties to the Equals method but do I need to do anything for the GetHashCode method?

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